Providing Hope

On September 28, 2022, Arcadia and DeSoto County residents were swept up in the winds and rains of Hurricane Ian. There was so much destruction and devastation that Survivors hardly recognized their homesteads. Hurricane Ian did not care if you were a homeowner, renter, or investor. He tore up most of what was in his path. Due to the vast devastation, Hope DeSoto Long Term Recovery Group was formed. Hope DeSoto LTRG and other helping agencies partner together with the purpose of rebuilding homes and providing hope for the future of Arcadia and DeSoto County residents. Many are still in need. We continue to work together.

The purpose of this blog is to capture small treasures of joy and recovery through the assistance of helping agencies that partner with Hope DeSoto LTRG. As good news stories occur, the Administrative Team of Hope DeSoto will update this Hope Blog. Thank you for your support and encouragement. 

We are a Nonprofit

On 17 October 2022, less than three weeks after Hurricane Ian, a handful of concerned citizens in Arcadia formed Hope DeSoto Long Term Recovery Group, Inc. The necessary paperwork for local, state, and federal governments was completed and submitted. And the mission of Hope DeSoto LTRG was established.

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